Blog Purpose

The purpose of the blog is primarily to develop USPS 100 Year Celebration (2014) ideas to share with our District 8 Bridge and the Commander.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Ideas about 100 years - scully

Had another idea that came to me last night in a dream. I saw lots of USPS Members at the USPS Annual mtg wearing red, white and blue Polo shirts with the 100 year logo on the breast pocket , and Currently you can order these thru USPS store. At some point the current commanders will leave office and I suggest they consider, as a gift to the outgoing bridge, a 100 year anniversary shirt ordered thru USPS stores. As D8 Cdr you could promote this at the upcoming Fall council mtg.
Maybe USPS Marketing could create a unique red/white and blue shirt just for the 100 year and sell it thru the store (see attached doyle D8 creation). Maybe red sleeves, white body with a blue collar and the 100 year logo on the back of the shirt. Promote and sell it at cost plus a few at the upcoming National Meeting and on line prior to meeting. Then raise the price on-line after the National mtg.

Thanks! Here is my input. I was thinking we, D8, should consider having a big raft-up, with all the squadrons involved, during Safe Boating Week. Another idea, is a D8 Flash Mob, somewhere in Florida, which would include music and PFD's. How about on day 100 of 2013 we (all D8 Squadrons) go hang a rather large sign over a bridge that says Safe Boating Week ( see page 7 of PRO manual) and Happy 100th Anniversary USPS.
Bob Scully

All phoptos are reserved so I can only share the link.................

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