What is a Flash Mob? A Flash Mob is a large group of people who gather at a public location to perform a pre-defined action, typically a brief dance, and disperse rapidly after the event has concluded.
How Does It Work? Flash Mobs are initiated online. The organizers
One of Improv Everywhere’s most famous pranks is the ‘Frozen Grand Central’
So think about all who attend the 2013 National Mtg bring with them a PFD. At Precisely the time when the National Cdr says he would like to change the ORDER OF BUSINESS if there are NO objections...Cdr Doyle Says "I Object". That will be the cue to raise up out of your chair holding high your PFDs in hand and FREEZE and say nothing for 1 minute then sit down. Cdr Doyle will then say "I withdraw my objection. Thank you!"