Blog Purpose

The purpose of the blog is primarily to develop USPS 100 Year Celebration (2014) ideas to share with our District 8 Bridge and the Commander.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Happy to serve

Date:             September 28, 2012
To:       D8 CDR J. Doyle, SN
From:   CDR R.G.Scully, N             772-252-9740
Subj:    Chair D8 100 Year Anniversary Ad Hoc Planning

Reference: Your email dated Sep 09/26/12 11:47 AM, same subject

Dear Cdr,
Thanks for the email. I will be happy to serve and trust I will get much help from all the Commanders and many others who will support this significant event. Here are a few things that have been done to promote the cause.

·         Sail Angle - D8 100 Year Anni Ad Hoc Planning (this is in the approval cycle)

Communication - I propose we all do what is easiest for the individual. There are many ways to deal with this. Most of us have the D8 Directory so we should be able to pull phone numbers and email addresses from there.

Video Conference - Had also thought that we could experiment with SKYPE and conference calling. I know a little about Skype and have an account. In this case those who choose to participate here will also need a Skype acct. It is free but you do need to go thru a process to get it.

Things to Ponder – Most details are posted on the blog. Ideas that have surfaced so far include the following in no particular order:

1. Sea Cruise  - A D8 Weekend Sea Cruise aboard a ship out of Ft Lauderdale or some other location in Florida.
a.       As we heard during the conference District 21 will be going on a sea cruise sometime in Oct. and PC Gary Ferguson, JN may be joining them to see how it goes.
b.      Cdr J. E. Goebel, SN mentioned the fund raising Eastern Caribbean Sea Cruise (January 27) they are doing for St Lucie River Squadron.
c.       Vero Beach has a few cruises (Bermuda departs 12/1/12 and Southern Caribbean departs 4/13/13) that are coming up coordinated by Indian River Travel, Barbara Chadwick.

2.      Raft up –
3.      Bridge Walk
4.      Flash Mob-

About a 100 Year Anniversary Raft up

Re: USPS 100th anniversary
Sent By:
"Richard Wood" <>  On:Sep 09/18/12 9:02 PM
To:scullybg ScullyJohn T "Jack" Doyle"Ron Friedman" <>;"P/C Ron Ziller SN" <>

I think this is a GREAT idea.  Behind Old Port Cove would be a perfect place that alows for HIGH visibility, safe water, huge area, and good potential for press coverage.  Rick

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USPS 100th Anniversary Celebration Ad Hoc Committee
Sent By:
John T "Jack" Doyle  On:Sep 09/26/12 11:47 AM
To:scullybg Scully
Cc:"D/Lt/C Diana Jackson" <>;"D/Lt/C Evelyn Northrup AP" <JOHNNORCO@AOL.COM>"D/Lt/C Mary Dodd, SN" <>;Diana JacksonGary Ferguson"R/C Bill Gillette" <>;

 Hi Bob:

It was a pleasure to see you again at the District Fall Conference and I personally would like to thank you for volunteering to chair the District 8 Ad Hoc 100th Anniversary Celebration Committee.   As committee chair you will be leading and working with all of the D8 squadrons to assist them in formulating local Squadron Level 100thAnniversary Celebration as well as a District 8 100th Anniversary Celebration.   Let me know if the D8 Bridge or I can assist you in any way.


D/C Jack Doyle, SN
United States Power Squadrons
District 8 Commander


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Saturday, September 22, 2012

Fall Conference Boca Raton District 8

Subject: 100 Year Anniversary

During the conference some discussion took place relative to the notes subject. At the 22 Sept. Meeting V/C Jean Hamilton, SN as part of her Chief Commanders Message to the group spoke about the upcoming 100 Year activity, the flags, the upcoming National Meeting and all the  

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Ideas about 100 years - scully

Had another idea that came to me last night in a dream. I saw lots of USPS Members at the USPS Annual mtg wearing red, white and blue Polo shirts with the 100 year logo on the breast pocket , and Currently you can order these thru USPS store. At some point the current commanders will leave office and I suggest they consider, as a gift to the outgoing bridge, a 100 year anniversary shirt ordered thru USPS stores. As D8 Cdr you could promote this at the upcoming Fall council mtg.
Maybe USPS Marketing could create a unique red/white and blue shirt just for the 100 year and sell it thru the store (see attached doyle D8 creation). Maybe red sleeves, white body with a blue collar and the 100 year logo on the back of the shirt. Promote and sell it at cost plus a few at the upcoming National Meeting and on line prior to meeting. Then raise the price on-line after the National mtg.

Thanks! Here is my input. I was thinking we, D8, should consider having a big raft-up, with all the squadrons involved, during Safe Boating Week. Another idea, is a D8 Flash Mob, somewhere in Florida, which would include music and PFD's. How about on day 100 of 2013 we (all D8 Squadrons) go hang a rather large sign over a bridge that says Safe Boating Week ( see page 7 of PRO manual) and Happy 100th Anniversary USPS.
Bob Scully

All phoptos are reserved so I can only share the link.................

D8 Cdrs Message

Dear D8 Planning Committee:
As I am sure you are award, USPS will be celebrating our 100th Anniversary during 2013 and 2014. Flag and Etiquette Committee has approved a special ensign to be used for the 100th anniversary. It may only be flown from 2013-2014, and then it will be retired.    We hope all our members will fly the 100th Anniversary ensign proudly and as often as possible during 2013 and 2014.

As part of a 100 year old organization, I have requested all squadrons in District 8 to plan events and activities during 2013 to celebrate the 100th anniversary of our beloved organization. 
I would like the D8 Planning Committee to present some ideas to the District 8 Bridge for events and/or activities D8 can organize during 2013 to celebrate the 100th anniversary of USPS.
USPS is will be kicking off the 100th Anniversary celebration at the Annual Meeting in Jacksonville 13 -20 January and I would like to have some ideas by then to present to National how D8 is planning to celebrate the 100thAnniversary.
Looking forward to some great ideas we can use to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of USPS.
Let me know if you have any questions or if I can assist in anyway.
Talk with you soon.


D/C Jack Doyle, SN
United States Power Squadrons
District 8 Commander


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